NAZAR THE BRAVE by Derenik Demirchyan, translated by Aris G. Sevag A folk tale-comedy in five acts for childlike adults and adultlike children CAST OF CHARACTERS: HOUSE MANAGER NAZAR THE BRAVE USTIAN, Nazar's’s wife SUB-DEACON SAKO MASTER OF CEREMONIES SCHOOLMASTER GULZAR, neighbor woman of USTIAN in the village GIANTS OF ZORBASTAN GHOROBUGHA DANGIZ KHOZENI ARDJATOTOSH GHARAGHURA GHORONTI GHUZGHUN PERISHAN, their sister CHAMBERLAIN MINISTER VIZIER GENERAL CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER COURTIERS TROOPS COMMON PEOPLE TIGER PROLOGUE The HOUSE MANAGER, coming down center before the closed curtain, is a fat, kindly, and smiling man wearing oriental garb. He addresses the audience. HOUSE MANAGER Members of the audience, young and old, I bid you welcome a thousandfold at this joyous time. I have the honor of informing you that NAZAR THE BRAVE has come and is presently in the theater. He’s just arrived with his entourage from the city of Nazarashen (which, as the name suggests, he built himself ) situated in our hero’s very own country of Nazarstan. He’s changing his shirt in an outpouring of heroic sweat and, if the wood flooring of the stage doesn’t cave in from the furious momentum of his bravery, the brave and robust Nazar will receive you all royally on stage. I affirm the special love and care he has toward you. And until His Excellency himself personally comes out on stage for your delectation, he’s ordered me to offer you his greetings. I bear you many greetings from Nazar himself, his wife, Ustian hanum, and his decrepit sub-deacon. Also full of greetings are the heroes of Zorbastan, land of tyrants, despots, and oppressors, namely, the frightful Sako, the lively tamada (their Master of Ceremonies) the pale Schoolmaster, the sweet-talking priest, and the rest. Greetings, too, from the seven Giants of Zorbastan: the wise Ghorobugha, the very intelligent Dangiz, Khijeni, Ardjatotosh, Gharaghura, Ghoronti, Ghuzghun, and their sister Perishan the destitute. And also from the eloquent Chamberlain, the Vizier, the Minister, the courtriers, troops, people, and tiger. And the last to extend his warm greetings is the author of this tale of heroism, who isn’t in the theater at this moment. In fact, on the advice of his critics, he’s gone to take singing lessons from a rooster. As soon as the lesson is over, he’ll join us as well. After all, these days he’s become pretty unpretentious. So, if he doesn’t get beaten up this evening, but by some quirk of fate actually hears the sound of your applause, just like his hero, he’ll modestly come on stage during the final act to express his thanks. (The HOUSE MANAGER bows to the audience and then departs, opening the curtain with his long staff as he moves into the wings.) ACT I NAZAR THE BRAVE, at home. The scene is set in the yard of his home. At left is a hut with a barn, with window and door. Facing it is the yard fence which, extending to the right, bends forward, and the yard gate is precisely at that corner. The wall then comes forward and ends where a small square forms to the right of it. A door opens from the left corner of the hut toward the rear. Behind the fence and extending to the right of it is a forest. Motley items of clothing are hung out between the hut and the yard wall. A threshing tool is at left, in the corner created by the door to the house and barn. It is very late afternoon. Sunlight is reflected in the yard, where a plantain tree gives shade. Dogs can be heard in the distance. NAZAR, a large, tall man, with lazy movements, disheveled hair, long mustache, and clean-shaven chin, has put down his goatskin in the doorway and, sitting on it at an angle, is dreaming half-asleep. NAZAR (waking up, without looking inside) Ustian! USTIAN (An ugly, coarse, and heavy-set woman is preparing food in an in-ground oven) What is it, Agha? NAZAR Listen, Ustian, it’s almost dusk. USTIAN Are you blind or what? Don’t you see I’m preparing the meal? NAZAR That’s not what I’m getting at. USTIAN Well then, what are you getting at? NAZAR I was just thinking I should go to the village and bring home the loot. USTIAN (curious) Loot? Well, if you know it’s there, why don’t you just go and get it. NAZAR (scratching the back of his neck) Yeah, I was thinking it’s time for me to get up and go. (He gets up, drags along his goatskin cape, and drops it down next to the oven. Losing his train of thought, he sits down on it again.) Let me go, I say, and get what’s coming to me in the village. USTIAN Well, why did you sit down again? NAZAR (musing) Yeah, that’s what I was just thinking, too. USTIAN You were planning on going to the village to bring home the loot, weren’t you? NAZAR That’s right. I’ll see if my men are in the village. If they are, I’ll send them to the mountain pass. A caravan or traveler is bound to come through. USTIAN I don’t understand. Didn’t you say the loot was already stashed? NAZAR (yawning) What loot are you talking about? USTIAN You idiot, you just said you were going for the loot, right? NAZAR Never mind that. I heard that Köroghlu’s gang has come to the village.(1) Let me go and see if they’ve actually had the guts. USTIAN You’ll be the laughing stock of the whole village. You’ve got no business there. NAZAR Yes, I do. Nazar the Brave has got to go and show them who’s boss. USTIAN You, brave? You’d give your life’s savings for a mouse hole in a storm! NAZAR Speak to me with respect. USTIAN (in a loud and threatening voice) Respect? So you’re a prince or something? I’ll speak to you with respect when you’re dead—maybe. Respect my foot. NAZAR I don’t understand how you can belittle me like that. I’m known as the village prince. Don’t talk like that, otherwise I’ll get up and— USTIAN You pip-squeak, who the hell do you think you are? Are you above criticism? No way, José! Are you going to bring home the swag, or are we going to live on charity? NAZAR What are you blabbering about? I don’t support you. You support me. USTIAN Me support you? Why don’t you find work? NAZAR (threatening) What did you say? You sure have got some nerve— USTIAN (surprised) Nerve? NAZAR How could you even imagine Nazar working? You’d be in a pretty state if that got around. USTIAN (sarcastically) Oh, really? . . . So, Your Majesty doesn’t have to work. Is that it? NAZAR That’s it. You’re going to work. Not me. USTIAN I’ll see you die first. Who in hell’s name do you think you are, anyway? NAZAR I’m a member of the aristocracy. USTIAN A nobleman? In your dreams! NAZAR It’s in the church records. My grandfather’s grandfather was a king. Our family belongs to the nobility. USTIAN How’d your grandfather get to be a dirt farmer then? And you’re not even that. First you don’t work, second you pass yourself off as nobility, and now you’re trying to put me down, when I’m the one of noble birth. NAZAR Ha! You of noble birth? A noblewoman? USTIAN A noble noblewoman. Those not as ignorant as you know! NAZAR How does an idiot like you become nobility? USTIAN If I weren’t nobility, would my father have been so respected? NAZAR Get off your high horse! “Nobility!” Don’t you dare say that in my pres- ence. You get a kick out of abusing me. My name reverberates throughout the world. Köroghlu doesn’t dare come near us because he knows of my reputation. What do you know about bravery? Nothing! Now, look what you’ve done, you’ve made me go on and on and kept me from my duties. Who knows what action I’m missing in town? Let me go now. When those Daghestani bandits catch sight of me, they’ll quake in their boots and beat it. (2) (He picks up his goatskin cape again, drags it to the door, and sits on it.) USTIAN Dream on! Meanwhile, make yourself useful and chase the chickens out of the yard or I’ll smash your head in with that old club. NAZAR (looking inside) Just you wait and see the royal banquet I’ll throw when this fight’s over. NEIGHBOR WOMAN (entering from the rear of the house) Ustian? USTIAN Is that you, Gulzar? Come on in. NEIGHBOR WOMAN Hey woman, what are you cooking? (Looking about) Isn’t your husband at home? USTIAN He’s home all right, sprawled out behind the door. NEIGHBOR WOMAN (whispering) Isn’t he working yet? USTIAN You’re joking, of course. Work is out of the question for him. Every other woman’s husband goes and brings home the bacon. But mine is nothing but a leech. He’s not capable of robbing or working. NEIGHBOR WOMAN There’s always someone looking for a herder. He can handle that, can’t he? USTIAN Nazar a herder? Don’t make me laugh! Say “king,” “prince,” or “baron” to Nazar and he’s all for it. Now, do you actually think he would consider herding as suitable work? NEIGHBOR WOMAN Well, what’s he going to live on? USTIAN How should I know? He lies about like a tattered rag from morning to night and talks of being an exalted leader. NEIGHBOR WOMAN Who knows, woman, maybe he’ll become a leader. That’s not so far-fetched. Maybe if he talks enough of becoming a king, he’ll actually become a king some day. USTIAN What, that runny-nosed squirt? He can’t even wipe his nose, and you say he’s material for a king? NEIGHBOR WOMAN Stranger things have happened. USTIAN (thinking) He will? Who knows, maybe. NEIGHBOR WOMAN Wouldn’t you want him to become a king? USTIAN Sure. I’d make as good a queen as anyone. But I can’t imagine that spineless imbecile as my consort. He deceived my father into giving me to him. Before, I was a princess in my father’s house; now look at me. We don’t even have a crust to eat. NEIGHBOR WOMAN If you know your husband can’t cut it, why not find work yourself? USTIAN You can’t expect me to work, my dear. My father happens to be a prince. Now tell me, is it dignified for me to work? NEIGHBOR WOMAN Well, what’s going to become of you? USTIAN What’s going to become of me? I’ll crack his skull if he doesn’t get work and put food on the table. I’ll show him which one of us is nobility. Do you think I’ll let him treat a princess like a washerwoman while he pretends he’s a prince? I’m the one of noble stock, not him! NEIGHBOR WOMAN Ustian, my child keeps crying. Would you be a dear and come over to see how she’s doing? USTIAN Let’s go. I was planning to go into the village anyway. (They leave by the rear entrance of the house. Pause. NAZAR is sleeping with his head against the door. Mischievous children slowly approach him and wake him up by touching his nose with a stick.) NAZAR (jumping up) Hey, who’s there? (He runs into the house.) CHILDREN (As they run off, they shout.) Snot-nose Nazar! NAZAR Shut up, you little bastards! I’m not one of your ass-kissing fathers. I’ll skin you alive. CHILDREN Nazar is a scaredy-cat. Nyah, nyah nyah! NAZAR You sons of bitches. I’ll tan your hide. (The children run off.) NAZAR (He lies down. Within moments, flies begin to annoy him. He shoos them away and then yawns lazily.) These flies won’t let a man sleep in peace. Hey, good-for-nothing woman of mine, come and drive them away. On top of everything, do I have to do that, too? (He looks inside.) Has she gone out? (Calling) Ustian! (He tries to pick up the goatskin cape to go inside, but he is too lazy to do so and stretches out again.) Oh! Am I tired. (Pause) It’ll soon be dark. Who knows what thieves and robbers are lurking about? (To the flies) Hey, get off me! . . . As if I didn’t have enough to worry about. (He drags the goatskin with his body and wriggles his way inside the hut.) I’ve had enough! The devil tells me to get up and annihilate these buggers once and for all. (Getting angry at the flies) Just who do you think you’re fooling with? (Slapping at a fly on his face) There, I’ve got you, and you, and you. I’m Nazar the Brave. Everybody kids around. I don’t kid around. (Looking at the flies fallen on the ground) How many are there? One, two, three, four, five. (He is too lazy to count any further.) Ooph. Call it an even thousand. (Shouting) I’m Nazar the Brave, I’ll have you know. I slay a thousand with a single blow. (A thin, decrepit SUB-DEACON, with disheveled hair and carrying a parchment book, enters, leaning on a staff.) NAZAR Who’s there? (Jumping up) Oh, it’s you, Sub-deacon. SUB-DEACON (jumping up and down) I throw, I catch; I catch, I throw. (Noticing NAZAR) Greetings, Brother Nazar, hail and well met. What’s that about slaying a thousand and bagging them in a net? NAZAR Ah, what’s this world come to! If I had the energy, I’d get up and slay everybody. SUB-DEACON It’s a sign of the times. NAZAR No matter what, I’ve made up my mind, I’m going to annihilate mankind, and I’ve started with the flies. SUB-DEACON It’s a sign of the times. NAZAR Just look, I struck one blow and destroyed a thousand. SUB-DEACON It’s a sign of the times. (Looking at the flies) Oh, Nazar, these aren’t flies, no, these are heroes. (Excited, his speech becomes increasingly more rapid and mechanical.) I saw a frightening hero in my dream. He had a sword in his right hand and a banner in his left. He appeared in the form of celestial fire and annihilated a thousand lesser heroes. By the grace of God, you are that hero. Wow, my dream has come true! You shall conquer the world, Nazarias, and kings shall tremble with fear before you. (He opens his ledger and, walking around the yard, begins to look at it and mutter an incantation.) See, I came, I found, I saw and I verified with help from the Lord. It’s a great day, and my dream was auspicious. Now I shall verify, make a prediction, and depart. Behold (He counts the flies.) one, two, three, four, five—all in all, a thousand. (Looking at the ledger) It’s an accurate sign. (Approaching a white cloth spread out on the wall) Now I shall write it on this cloth for the whole world to see. (Sticking his finger into an ink well, he writes on the cloth and reads out loud.) Nazar the Invincible, Nazar the Brave, With one blow sends a thousand to their grave. (Holding up the cloth) A divine sign, a mysterious phenomenon, a banner given by heaven, a frightful statement whereby it is God’s hope that you become master of the world. (He ties the cloth to NAZAR’s lance and extends it to him.) Take it, (looking directly into NAZAR’s eyes) take it, (getting closer to him) take it . . . NAZAR What am I going to do with it? (Pulling back) SUB-DEACON Take this God-given banner. Strike the enemy by the thousands. NAZAR Really? But now I feel kind of lazy. Put it over there in the corner, and tomorrow I’ll get up and smash the world to smithereens. SUB-DEACON (putting the banner in the corner) Now I place it at the corner of the altar, may the prophet’s words come true, that (singing) “The wise servant shall dominate the foolish leaders.” (Removing a magic charm from his breast pocket) Here’s a magic charm. (Picking up a few specks of dust from the ground) Behold, the dust of giants. (He wraps the dust in the charm and hands it to NAZAR.) Take it. NAZAR What is it, what do I do with it? SUB-DEACON Put this charm in your breast pocket and go vanquish your enemies. (NAZAR takes it.) (The SUB-DEACON pauses, jumps up and down on the spot, and snickers; again incanting) “I catch, I throw, I throw, I catch.” (He leaves.) NAZAR Sub-deacon, stay by my side to stop me from inflicting harm on mankind. (He tries to follow the SUB-DEACON but yields to lethargy.) Oh no! (He cocks his ear. Afraid, he tries to screw up his courage.) It’s getting dark now, it’s getting dark, show the stuff you’re made of, Nazar the Brave. (Suddenly seized by fear, he runs to the hut.) What happened to that damned wife of mine? Ustian! (Louder) Ustian! . . . (Again he runs inside and, closing the door, locks it. Suddenly there’s a knock at the door.) Who is it? (He cocks an ear.) Haji-Murad? (Pause) Gomesh-Patran, is that you? USTIAN What the hell’s the matter with you? Did the devil eat your tongue? NAZAR (coming out of the hut) Don’t be foolish! You have no sense of time. What kept you? Where were you? USTIAN Do I ask about your comings and goings? NAZAR That isn’t a proper response at all for the wife of a brave husband like me. USTIAN The way you rushed inside so terrified, one would think a robber was chasing you. NAZAR Why shouldn’t a robber chase a man like me? Running away requires skill, too. I’m such a brave man, I run away and I cause others to run away. I hit and I get hit. That’s the lot of the brave. Well, no matter, get the food on the table so I can eat. USTIAN (thrusting her fist in the air) Eat this! Who do you think you are, a king, the way you’re ordering me about? NAZAR I know my business. (He sits down at the edge of the oven. USTIAN lights a lamp, brings a serving table over, places it under the sycamore tree, and places the food on it.) What, is it dark already? H’mm. I can hardly see . . . I’m telling you, the bandits will attack the village at night, and our home will be endangered, too. Wife of mine, keep my sword handy. A STRANGER'S VOICE (from behind the fence) Hey! NAZAR (entering the hut and sticking his head out the door) Go see who’s there. Lock the outer gate. (USTIAN eats leisurely, unmoved.) A STRANGER'S VOICE (nearer) Here I come! Here I come! Here I come! NAZAR (to himself) I won’t open the door. I’ll look through the crack! (The stranger’s voice fades away.) He’s gone! (The voice becomes more distant.) If he comes again, I’ll show him! Seems he didn’t know whose door he was shouting at. (He cocks his ear.) Well, he’s gone now. They must have told him in the village that this is where Nazar lives. (Coming out of the hut) He spoke with a Daghestani accent. Who knows, maybe it was the Lezgi Haji-Murad. (3) I thought the voice sounded familiar. Well, what do you know! Oh, the days we spent together! You, the wife of a hero, didn’t have the presence of mind to invite him in for a visit. Never mind, I’ll go up the mountain tomorrow myself and bring him back with me. (He sits down and begins to eat.) USTIAN How lucky I am! My husband’s a hero, and I’m the queen of a golden palace! NAZAR Uphold your man’s honor, and everything will work out. USTIAN I’d be fine without a man like you. NAZAR You’d be fine without a man like me! What man have you found that you’re not satisfied with me? You’ve got a roving eye, right? Well, I’ll blind those eyes of yours. I’m not called Nazar the Brave for nothing. Don’t exhaust my patience, otherwise I’ll whack you with my club. You hear? USTIAN (getting up) You’re threatening me with a club? (She gets up, goes and picks up the club from its place in the corner, and attacks NAZAR.) Well, take this! NAZAR Oh! Oh! Oh! . . . (He jumps up and goes around the sycamore tree in an attempt to avoid getting hit by the club.) Don’t be afraid, I won’t hurt you. Hand over the club. USTIAN Stay right where you are! NAZAR Whoever heard of a woman beating a man? Is that a humane thing to do? (He runs under the hut, then sticks his head out.) Stop! Where are you running off to? I’m coming! Here I am, you merciless witch. Hand over the club. USTIAN Come out of there so I can crack open your skull and be done with it! NAZAR I’m not coming out! You can count on that. USTIAN Ha! You’re not coming out? NAZAR I’m a man of my word. I’m not coming out. USTIAN Yeah? For a man like you, you’re in the hole where you belong. If you dare show your face, I’ll bury your boastful head! (She pulls back.) NAZAR (sticking his head out) Put the club away, or I’ll come after you. USTIAN Come on! (USTIAN throws herself on NAZAR. He pulls his head back, and USTIAN sits down.) NAZAR Woman, put the club back. I’ve got a mean temper. The blood’s going to my head. I’ll get up and smash you to pieces. That’s why I’m staying under the hut. Do you want everyone to know that I struck my wife? (Pause) So you’re not going to put down the club? Okay. Any man who lets his wife dishonor him isn’t worth a kopeck. Stand there and drop dead! I’m not coming out! (He pulls his head back. Pause. USTIAN puts the club down. NAZAR sticks his head out.) Put the club back where it belongs because I’m hopping mad. USTIAN The club is where it belongs. NAZAR Give it here! USTIAN Come and get it! NAZAR (Seeing the club on the ground, he approaches gingerly.) I’m going to blow my top and wreck the joint, you nagging bitch. (He runs out of the hut but, tempted by the food, sidles over to the dinner table.) Well, I was in no mood to fight anyway. (He sits down.) Our clan is made up of real men; we don’t raise a hand against women. (He picks up his spoon and begins eating.) If you were a somebody, I wouldn’t mind, but considering you’re a nobody, you don’t think I’m going to let you hit me with the club? If you were really tough, you’d go with me into the mountains and see how the bandits take to their heels when they see me! All you know is how to act bossy within these four walls. A really brave person never lifts a club in his own house. USTIAN Your day wouldn’t be complete if you didn’t run off at the mouth. NAZAR (scratching his head and yawning) I told you, I’m in no mood to fight. Clear the table and lay out my bed. I need my sleep so I can get up early. Tomorrow there’s going to be a clash with the Köroghlu gang in the Chakhmakh mountains, and I’ll be there. USTIAN Oh, what a bullshit artist you are! It’s easy to conquer the world with all that crap. NAZAR My conquests keep growing! A mere bagatelle. The whole kit and kaboodle’s not worth one of my toenails! The world is my captive; like that (He snaps his fingers.) I fear no one, so I dare to release my prisoners and let them live as they wish instead of trampling the whole lot underfoot. USTIAN You trample the world underfoot? NAZAR You bet! I’m not one of your clod-hopping knuckleheads. USTIAN You know how to piss off a person. Nobody compares to you, right? NAZAR Right. There are going to be award ceremonies honoring me. USTIAN And you’re going to become famous and wow the world! NAZAR Wait and see. I’m conquering everybody. Me, hero of heroes, on top of the heap. USTIAN You snot-nosed squirt! There’s no limit to your bullshit! NAZAR If I weren’t so lazy, I’d get up and beat the hell out of you. USTIAN (aside to the audience) Well, at least he admits he’s lazy. NAZAR (motioning to her) Who do you think you’re talking to? (Slumping lazily) All right, let it go till tomorrow. (He pulls his wool coat over him and prepares to sleep.) A man like me deserves respect. All you do is sit there and abuse me, instead of marveling at my mind. My thoughts circumscribe the world. I’m debating the future of the globe. With all my aspirations for international diplomacy you should be proud of me. (He lies down. Pause. Musing.) Sweetie pie, what are you going to say when you get word of my glorious victory? I’ll martial my forces, get on my horse, draw my sword, ride straight through the enemy ranks to cheers of “Long live Nazar!” (USTIAN takes the plates into the hut.) NAZAR (jumping up) Hey. Where are you going? USTIAN What are you following me for? Can’t you see I’m putting away the plates? Just go chase the enemy. NAZAR You shouldn’t go alone. Wait, I’ll guard you as you walk. (He goes into the hut with her.) USTIAN Just stay put! (She goes out.) NAZAR (following her) What do you mean? With all the thieves and bandits about, I’m not going to let you leave the house alone. What would the villagers say if they found out? (USTIAN enters the hut.) NAZAR (following her) That a girl. Never fear, Nazar is here. (Again about to leave, USTIAN approaches the door. NAZAR follows her. But USTIAN changes her mind and turns back, preoccupied. She is about to close the door.) NAZAR Ustian, leave the door open so I can see my way to the stable and check if the donkey’s got barley to eat. ( USTIAN complies grudgingly. NAZAR goes outside.) NAZAR (calling from the barn) Don’t close the door, stay there. Why isn’t there any barley here for the donkey? (Pause) Stay cool, I’m still here. (Pause. The moon appears.) The moon’s out. (Pause) Sweetie, look what a bright clear night this is! Bring me my weapons. I’m going to ambush the khan’s caravan from Daghestan. USTIAN (with contempt) Just wipe your nose and crawl into your hole. You’re incapable of ambushing anything. NAZAR My dear, don’t exhaust my patience! I repeat, bring my weapons so I can ambush the caravan. USTIAN (aside) I can’t take it anymore. Who the hell does he think he is? (Firmly) So you want to ambush the caravan? NAZAR Right on! Don’t be a pain in the butt. What’s wrong with a little ambush? USTIAN Go to hell! (Going inside, she slams the door shut.) Shove your ambush! NAZAR What did you do that for? USTIAN (calling through the door) Get lost, and don’t bother coming back. NAZAR Open the door or I’ll break it down. (USTIAN is silent.) NAZAR Open the door. I won’t beat you. USTIAN You beat me? Watch I don’t crack your head open! NAZAR (Urgently) Ustian, open the door. The bandits are coming. USTIAN Forget it! I’m not opening it. NAZAR Open the door. They’re here. I’ve got to strap on my weapons. USTIAN (Taking NAZAR’s rusty sword from the wall, she picks up the banner and wool coat and pushes them through the partially open door.) Take your junk, and get out of my life! NAZAR It’s dark. Where can I go? USTIAN Try Daghestan, you jerk. I’m no longer your wife! (She lies down.) NAZAR (Picking up the wool coat, he puts it on, straps on his sword, and takes hold of the banner.) Ustian, they’re at the gate! (He looks toward the forest and crouches near the door.) They’re here! Hey, hey, hey! (Louder) Hey, hey, hey! (Louder still) Hey, hey, hey! [As though talking to someone] Who do you think you’re attacking? . . . I’ll gouge your eyes out! Yeah! Hey, hey, hey! (He runs behind the house from the left side.) SAKO (He comes forward out of forest right, wearing a white sheepskin cap.) Oh, my gosh, for the love of God, where are we? Is this a house or a whole village? Who’s there? Help! We’ve lost our way! VOSKAN (He comes forward behind him, also wearing a white sheepskin cap.) Hey, Sako, hitch your horse to a tree, and we’ll take a look around. SAKO Voskan, we’re done for. This place’s worse than hell! VOSKAN God is merciful. Don’t be afraid, Sako. NAZAR (approaching from the left but still out of sight) I’m Nazar the Brave, the hero who destroys a thousand with one blow. SAKO Hey, Voskan, who’s this Nazar fellah? VOSKAN Don’t know. Sit down and keep cool. (They crouch in the bushes.) NAZAR (as though talking to someone) Hambo? Are you at the top of the tower? Take a good look, there’s a caravan approaching. If it’s Köroghlu’s, ready the men for ambush. We’ll grab us a high ticket item to take to Sardar’s tomorrow. I’m saddling my horse, so, boys, get with it. (Imitating the voice of Ashi, one of the village gang) Nazar the Brave, who are you talking to? (Answering as himself) Ashi, I got tired playing games with Köroghlu’s forces by myself, I’m taking our boys with me to annihilate them. (Again as Ashi) Why don’t you let Köroghlu go? Give him a break. (Answering as himself ) No way. I’ll make mincemeat out of him. (Cocking his ear) Hey, who goes there? Hambo, somebody’s standing there and listening. Go see who it is, grab him and drag him over here. Have you got hold of him? Break his neck. That’s it. Good. Throw him in the bushes. SAKO Oh, no! We’ve had it! VOSKAN Shut up. NAZAR (threatening and fearful) He-e-e-e-ep! SAKO (rapidly) Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ! Jesus Christ! NAZAR I’ll send your feathers flying! (Silence, dashing from here to there) Is there anybody left? Dali-Aslan, grab that hand. Gija-Ghushi, grab this hand. I’m mounting my horse. SAKO Voskan, let’s get out of here! VOSKAN We can’t, they’ve blocked the road. NAZAR (still acting) I’m on my horse. Here I am. Karvan-Ghran, come quick! Jamush-Patran, strike! Grab hold of them! Hey! I’ll smash them to smithereens! (NAZAR runs forward to the front of the stage. VOSKAN goes into the bushes. SAKO runs out of the bushes and pulls up confused. NAZAR comes, bumps into SAKO who, falling down, begins to shudder.) NAZAR Huh-u, mmuh, mu! SAKO Huh-u, mmuh, mu, mu! . . . Nazar the Brave! NAZAR Köroghlu! SAKO (grabbing NAZAR by the waist and shouting) Hey! NAZAR (likewise grabbing SAKO by the waist and shouting) Hey! SAKO (shouting) Let me go! NAZAR (shouting) Let me go! (Both of them suddenly let each other go and each flees: NAZAR to the left, toward the rear of the hut; SAKO to the right, into the bushes.) VOSKAN (coming out of the bushes) Sako, run for your life! (He runs toward the right.) SAKO Oh! Holy Mother of God! (He runs after him. Pause) (NAZAR falls flat on his face. VOSKAN and SAKO run over him to the right and disappear. NAZAR gradually gets up and begins to look over SAKO’s horse.) NAZAR (Tentatively) Well, you helpless creature, did your leader escape or is he coming back? (Pause) No, he’s gone . . . He probably high-tailed it out of here. Did he swipe anything? Nah, he just took off. (With assurance) Who says I’m not brave? (Shouting) With one blow I destroy a thousand! (Approaching the door) Ustian, open the door! (Pause) Well, from now on, to hell with any man who speaks well of women! I’m off. Make way, watch out! Nazar the Braveis on his way! (He cocks his ear. Inside the hut, Ustian is silent.) Okay. If that’s how you want it. I’ll give you a beating in the morning and be on my way. (Pause) Okay, Bitch, I’m off! (He gets on his horse.) Tally-ho! USTIAN (Jumping up, she grabs the club, opens the door, and dashes out.) I’ve had it with you! (Striking NAZAR and his horse with the club) Take this, you old fart! NAZAR You’ll frighten the horse! (The horse bolts.) I told you so! Help! (His voice becomes more distant as he continues calling out.) USTIAN (going inside) Good riddance to bad rubbish! Have yourself a heart attack and go blind, too! (She goes inside.) End of Act 1 NOTES: (1) Koroghlu is the hero of a Eurasian bardic epic cycle. His character seems to be based on two separate historical figures of the early seventeenth century, a minor Ottoman official and a peripatetic bard. With a band of fugitives, he leads local resistance against the central authorities. (2) Daghestan is a region located in the northeast Caucasus, bordering on the Caspian Sea. (3) The Lezgis are a Caucasian mountain people.