PUSH by Kristen Lazarian scene 1a [Charlotte’s restaurant] A table at a cozy, upscale restaurant called Charlotte’s. It’s a Thursday nightin Los Angeles. Lights come up on BROOKE, a vibrant woman in her thirties and her husband OWEN, a uniquely attractive man in his late 30’s. They are with another couple, ELEANOR and ADAM, both are 30’s-40’s. They have finished eating. Their plates are on the table waiting to be cleared. They drink wine. BROOKE So what do you think about this place? ELEANOR Delicious. That was the best salmon I’ve ever had in my life. ADAM In your life? ELEANOR It was so good. How was yours? OWEN I’d come back for the calamari. ADAM Loved the calamari. ELEANOR How was yours, Brooke? BROOKE Good. ADAM This is a great little restaurant. A very good recommendation, Brooke. OWEN She knows how to pick them. ELEANOR We should come here again. ADAM Did you see the bar? OWEN No, how is it? ADAM Nice. OWEN Let’s try this place next Friday night. ADAM I’m game. ELEANOR How come we don’t get invited on your Friday night drinking dates? ADAM It’s a guy thing. ELEANOR Did you just say it’s a gay thing? ADAM No-- a guy thing. BROOKE You’re both idiots. ADAM Thank you. ELEANOR Brooke, you always find the best places for us. ADAM You’ve become like our own personal concierge. OWEN It’s why I married Brooke-- for her keen organizational skills. BROOKE Is that even a compliment? ELEANOR I think it is. BROOKE Hey, if anyone else would like to recommend a restaurant, be my guest. OWEN Don’t believe her. BROOKE Owen! It just seems to me that if I don’t plan it, it’s difficult for us to get together. OWEN I’m giving you a hard time-- we’re all very grateful. ELEANOR That’s right. We’re happy just showing up. It takes the pressure off. ADAM How did you hear about this place anyway? BROOKE Channel 9 did a segment on it about a month ago. ELEANOR Oh well-- it was a great restaurant. BROOKE I know. This place has been here for years. Suddenly it’s the spot. ELEANOR Owen, speaking of channel 9, someone at work was just talking about something you did. The dog thing. BROOKE That was great. Did you see that? ELEANOR I missed it. BROOKE Oh God-- it was funny. It’s a dog chapel. They do actual little weddings before they breed the dogs. ADAM You’ve got to be kidding me. OWEN It’s all true. ADAM You did a story on doggie weddings? You’ve come a longway since our days at Stanford, my friend. OWEN I never said I intended to be a real journalist. ELEANOR Oh shut up, Owen. You’re the best reporter on television. BROOKE She’s right. You are the best. You’re the funniest and the cutest-- ELEANOR (to Adam) He could’ve become a cranky old attorney like you. At least he’s having fun. Beat. OWEN Yes-- right! I couldn’t be happier-- with everything. Owen kisses Brooke. ADAM What? What are you saying? Women crying to me about how they gave up their careers to pop out kids just so that asshole could run off with some whore-- that’s not fun? That’s a good time. BROOKE I thought you were cutting back on divorces. ELEANOR Unfortunately business is booming. ADAM Sad but true. ELEANOR He’s too good at comforting jilted wives. ADAM I’ve tried to get out. I’ve begged Eleanor to support me while I collect art. BROOKE You should do that, El. ELEANOR Right-- if I could support your lifestyle on mysalesrepsalary, I’d do it in a heartbeat. ADAM Isn’t she sweet? BROOKE Isn’t it almost fashion week? ELEANOR Yes-- want togotoNew York withme? BROOKE I do -- but I have thisshow comingup. ELEANOR That’s right. BROOKE It’sa bigone. OWEN You’ve done a million shows. It’ll be fine. ELEANOR It’sgoingtobe incredible. OWEN You’re the master at pullingthese things off. BROOKE Except that the artist-- themain artist I’m featuringisoneof the most difficult I’ve dealt with. ELEANOR Maybe it’sbecause he’sEuropean. BROOKE I don’t know. OWEN Is thisthe German? BROOKE Yes. ADAM HaveI heard of him? BROOKE His name isAnsgar. ADAM Is that hiswhole name? BROOKE No but that’show hesigns his work. ELEANOR Isn’t that pretentious-- don’t you love it? 6. ADAM Will I like this guy? Doeshe have collection potential? BROOKE For you, definitely. I reallythink you’ll like hiswork. ELEANOR He’sgot ahuge followingin Europe. He isgorgeous. ADAM How do you know? ELEANOR I read Peoplemagazine. BROOKE He’shad some good press. ADAM I buyart for the investment and she buys it because she hasa crush on the artist. ELEANOR It’strue. He’ll be huge on hissexappeal alone. OWEN Right,who needstalent these days. ELEANOR You know you can sell thisguy. BROOKE I’mworkingon it. ELEANOR I mean it helps that he hassome talent, too. BROOKE Heis talented. His paintings are vibrant, simple-- ADAM Abstract? 7. ELEANOR Not at all. BROOKE No, he’s veryclear, almost childlike but with mature themes. ELEANOR Sexual themes. OWEN Is thisthe guywho’s been callingyou night and day? BROOKE What? OWEN Hecallsyou constantly. BROOKE Because I’m planninghisL.A. show. It’sa bigdeal. OWEN It seemsexcessive. BROOKE It’sbusiness. He’s also married. ELEANOR Heis? OWEN That doesn’t matter. BROOKE It doesn’t? ELEANOR When you saymarried-- howmarried? BROOKE What? 8. ADAM You said he’sGerman. Theyhave a completelydifferent sensibility when it comesto sex. BROOKE Yeah-- no kidding. OWEN See! I knew it-- you admit it. BROOKE Oh please! You just said that it doesn’t matter that he’s married. OWEN That’s not what Imeant. BROOKE What did you mean? When you say-- it doesn’t matter that he’smarried, what does that mean? ELEANOR Brooke-- relax. He just means there’s a different standard. BROOKE For men. ADAM No-- for Germans. ELEANOR Probablyfor men, too. BROOKE Exactly. ELEANOR (to Brooke) Please, let’s not godown this road. I will get heartburn. BROOKE Besides, Owen, he’s young. He’s barely24. 9. ELEANOR That’s too youngtobe married. OWEN Thisguy calls with some crisisat three in themorning. Three in the morning, he’scalling myhouse. ADAM What’sthe crisis -- he can’t find hispaintbrush? ELEANOR He’sanartist. They don’t sleep. BROOKE Honestly, I’m over it. It’s aheadache. ADAM Sounds like myline of work-- a lucrative headache. BROOKE I would love a vacation when I’m done. OWEN We could drive upthe coast-- ELEANOR We went toa fantastic spain Napa. OWEN What do you think about Napa? BROOKE Yeah-- I love Napa-- but I was thinkingNew York-- now that El mentioned it. We haven’t been in awhile. ELEANOR Didn’t you get engaged in NewYork? OWEN Yes, wedid. Brooke planned that, too. 10. ADAM Your proposal? You got off easy. BROOKE I did not plan hisproposal. Veryfunny. ELEANOR He’skidding. OWEN You do need a vacation. BROOKE Do you think you can get sometime off? OWEN Probablya few days. An attractive woman, CHARLOTTE, enters. Charlotte has a down home, friendly quality-- warm and effusive. She really caresabout her customers. She comes overto the table. BROOKE We could go in October, after I wrap everythingupwith theshow. God, that would be so nice. Give me your datesand I’ll book-- CHARLOTTE Good evening, everyone. Welcome, I’m Charlotte. How was everything? ELEANOR It was verygood. CHARLOTTE I’mso glad you enjoyed it. OWEN Are you theCharlotte? CHARLOTTE I am. 11. OWEN The calamari wasamazing. CHARLOTTE You like that? ADAM We loved the calamari. CHARLOTTE Well, I’m compingthe calamari tonight-- just for you. It’s on thehouse. ADAM No-- CHARLOTTE Yes, it is. BROOKE You don’t have to do that-- really. CHARLOTTE No, no-- I want to. ELEANOR His channel just did a great storyon your restaurant. CHARLOTTE I know it. So consider it a thank you. OWEN It wasn’t mystorybut I’ll take thecredit. CHARLOTTE And, of course, I recognize you. OWEN Oh-- that’snice. CHARLOTTE Not you. Your lovelywife. 12. BROOKE Me? CHARLOTTE Yes. BROOKE Really? Have you been to mygallery? CHARLOTTE No, no. I know you’re Danny’sdaughter. BROOKE You mean Dan Gatwick? CHARLOTTE Yes, DannyGatwick. OWEN Wow-- how do you know Dan? CHARLOTTE He’soneof myinvestors. ADAM An investor-- here? CHARLOTTE Yes, he is. BROOKE Oh-- I had no idea. OWEN Honey, your dad is invested in a lot of things. ADAM I’msure it’shard to keep track. BROOKE Right. I guess so. 13. CHARLOTTE Anyway,Danny’s an old friend. We go wayback. ELEANOR I am so relieved the food is so good here. Wouldn’t that have been terrible-- if it was awful? Howembarrassing. ADAM (to Owen) You can tell Dan-- he did good. BROOKE Whydon’t you tell him the next time you guys go golfing. OWEN We are due-- we are so due for another golf tripwith Dan. (toCharlotte) We’ll tell him you said hi. CHARLOTTE Oh, no need. We talk all the time. Beat. BROOKE It’sfunny. I’ve never heard your name. CHARLOTTE No? BROOKE What’syour husband’s name? Maybethat would ringa bell. CHARLOTTE Oh no-- myhusband is longgone. I started this place after a pretty nasty divorce. BROOKE And mydad helped you? CHARLOTTE Hedid. This place wasmything-- the thingtoget me through it. That wasten years ago. Can you believe it? Time flies. 14. BROOKE That was niceof him. OWEN Your dad’s agreat guy-- he’s helped a lot of people. ADAM Hehelpedme with myswing. CHARLOTTE Who could not love that man? BROOKE Yeah. He’sgreat. CHARLOTTE I knewit was you. Your dad showed me weddingpictures. Charlotte reaches for Brooke’splate. Did you want to take this? BROOKE No, thanks. OWEN Hold on-- I’ll eat it later. BROOKE Okay. Thenwe’ll take it togo. OWEN Thank you. Charlotte takes the plates and exits. ELEANOR Isn’t that funny? What a small world. BROOKE It’snot that funny. He showed her our weddingpictures? 15. ADAM What? Come’on! ELEANOR What’swrong? You think your dad’s gettinga little on theside? BROOKE No. OWEN (taunting) I don’t know. Your dad is in good shape for his age. ADAM Hedoes look good. OWEN And he’s rich. Women digthat. BROOKE And he’s also married. To mymother. OWEN Aahh. Right. ADAM There isthat. ELEANOR Oh stopit-- don’t listen to them, Brooke. OWEN She’s not smiling. Brooke-- don’t smile. Whatever you do-- don’t smile. No-- don’t-- Brooke breaks into a little smile, laughs. BROOKE (affectionately) Ass hole. ADAM Well, if we’re luckywewon’t hit anytraffic goinghome. 16. BROOKE The traffic was horrible comingover here. ELEANOR Sorrywemade you wait. BROOKE I don’t mind. ELEANOR At least Owen was withyou. BROOKE No, we came separately. ELEANOR You did? BROOKE I had a meeting. OWEN I hit a lot of traffic, too. BROOKE You should have left a little earlier. OWEN I couldn’t leave earlier. I had things todo at work. BROOKE Like what? OWEN I was on the phone. BROOKE With who? Charlotte reenters with Brooke’s food in a doggie bag and with the bill. She setsit on the table. 17. OWEN My producer. (to Charlotte) Thank you. CHARLOTTE Would anyone like anythingelse? ADAM I think we’re good, thanks. CHARLOTTE Okay,I’ll get that when you’re ready. Charlotte exits. BROOKE (to Owen) Didn’t you mention you had dinner plans? OWEN No. BROOKE Why? OWEN It wasn’t relevant tothe conversation. BROOKE But you made me wait for a half hour. ELEANOR I think it was the traffic that held us all up. BROOKE (to Eleanor) No, shealways callswhen he’swalkingout the door. It’s acontrolthing. OWEN She’s myproducer. It’s business. Like your artist. 18. BROOKE (to Eleanor) You should hear them talk. It’s business for about two minutesand then she starts bitchingabout her boyfriend. ADAM Take it fromme,you do not want toopen that can of worms. OWEN I don’t know what this is about. We just had a nice dinner. ELEANOR Mine wasdelicious. Give me the bill. BROOKE No, no. OWEN We’re gettingit. You got it last time. Owen takesthe bill off the table. He goesforhis wallet. OWEN Oh crap. BROOKE What is it? OWEN I left mywallet in mydesk. I rushed out and -- BROOKE And you were a little distracted givingcouples counselingtoyour producer? OWEN You’re reallyoverreacting. Charlotte reenters. BROOKE It’sfine. I have mine. 19. Brooke reachesin herpurse and pullsout a credit card. Charlotte takes it from her. CHARLOTTE Thank you so much for comingin. ADAM We will definitelybe back. CHARLOTTE Thank you. I’ll be lookingfor you. Charlotte exits. OWEN Since when have you had an issue with myproducer? BROOKE I don’t know. You have an issue withAnsgar, I get tohave one with your producer. ELEANOR Well, tit for tat. You’re even. ADAM If Eleanor got jealousabout everywoman cryingher eyesout and callingme, it would do us in. Charlotte reenters and setsthe bill down at the table then exits. Brooke signs the bill. Eleanor and Adam get up to go. ELEANOR Thank you so much. It was alovelyevening. BROOKE It was alovelyevening. ELEANOR I’ll call you tomorrow. ADAM See you guys. 20. OWEN Where’d you park? ADAM Valet. OWEN I’mon the street. Adamand Eleanorexit. BROOKE I need to usethe rest room. I’ll see you at home, honey. OWEN I’ll wait for you. BROOKE It’sokay. I valet parked. OWEN Okay. Brooke turns to go towards the rest room. OWEN Hey. BROOKE Yeah? OWEN I love you. BROOKE I love you, too. Lightsfade to black. 21. scene2a [Brooke’s gallery-- her office] Brooke issitting behind a desk with herlaptop open. A young, good looking man of 24, ANSGAR, sits on theedge of Brooke’sdesk. Hespeaks with a German accent. Next to him isa wrapped art print. BROOKE You didn’t have to get me anything. ANSGAR I wanted to. You’ve done so much for me. BROOKE The show isn’t for a couple weeks. Maybe you should wait and see how it goes. ANSGAR That’s whyI’mgivingyou this now. I alreadyknow I’ll hate the show. BROOKE Your confidence in me isoverwhelming. ANSGAR I’mnever pleased. You should know that bynow. BROOKE Next time remind me not totryso hard -- you’ll hate it anyway. ANSGAR I don’t hate everythingyou do. BROOKE It seemslike you do. ANSGAR I don’t hate the wayyou walk. BROOKE The wayI walk? 22. ANSGAR Yes. It’s cute. BROOKE Cute? ANSGAR Sexy. BROOKE Really? ANSGAR Everythingabout you. BROOKE I think you’rea master manipulator. That’s what Ithink. ANSGAR You think too much. BROOKE Oneof us has to. ANSGAR Maybe you should open the gift. Brooke getsup and goes to where Ansgar sits on her desk. Hehands her the very large wrapped print. Brooke opensit hesitantly. Inside isa Vermeerprint. It isa print of the painting -- The Procuress. ANSGAR You like Vermeer? BROOKE I do. 23. ANSGAR You like this print? BROOKE I saw the real one when I wasin Germany. ANSGAR You were in Germanyand you didn’t call me? BROOKE It was 9 yearsago. ANSGAR I wish I’d known you 9 yearsago. Then I could’vestolen you awayfrom your husband. BROOKE Ansgar, 9 years agoyou were 15. ANSGAR I still could’ve stolen you awayfrom that talkinghead. BROOKE No one could have stolen me awayfrom myhusband. And please-- don’t call Owen a talkinghead. ANSGAR Ahh, you’re verystrong. But you’re not really. BROOKE Yes, I am. ANSGAR No. You pretend to be strong. But women are the same. BROOKE (with irony) That’s so insulting. Thank you. ANSGAR Onelittle push-- theyfall down like feathers. 24. BROOKE Not all women. Ansgar movesin closerto Brooke. ANSGAR All women. Even you. BROOKE You’re wrong. ANSGAR AmI? BROOKE I love myhusband. ANSGAR I believe you. BROOKE Do you love your wife? ANSGAR Does your husband love you? Beat. BROOKE Yes, he does. ANSGAR ThenI lovemywife. BROOKE But you have no problem pursuingother women. ANSGAR I don’t pursue other women-- just you. BROOKE You are such a liar. 25. ANSGAR I can’t helpit ifI’mattracted to you. I’m human. So are you. Reallythere are no rules. BROOKE Maybe in your world-- but not in mine. Beat. Brooke sitsat her desk and goes backto her laptop. ANSGAR Fine. TomorrowI’mleavingfor New York. I won’t bother you while I’m there. Ansgar turns to leave. BROOKE Wait-- you can’t gotoNew York. Your show opensin less than two weeks. ANSGAR I can go whereever I want togo. You cannot tell me where I can and can’t go. BROOKE Yes, I can. Thisshow has to live uptoall the hypeyou’ve had lately. ANSGAR You know as well asI do that it doesn’t matter if I’m here or in NewYork. I have two weeks before it opens. BROOKE It matterstome. ANSGAR Why? BROOKE Because I would like you to be participatory-- and -- and present so you don’t fall on your face. ANSGAR Soyou don’t fall on your face. BROOKE I think of as a team, Ansgar. 26. ANSGAR Is that so? What did wedecide on for the color of the invitation? BROOKE A dark orange. ANSGAR I hate that. BROOKE Look-- that’s not what you care to concern yourself with-- those are details. ANSGAR Would you like to know the details of mytriptoNew York? BROOKE No. ANSGAR I got a call from a potential buyer-- BROOKE I don’t care. ANSGAR Somebodyat Tribeca. BROOKE DeNiro’s company? ANSGAR Impressed? BROOKE Not really. ANSGAR Well, they like mypaintings and theywant tomeet with me. BROOKE It’sgreat. Have a good time. 27. ANSGAR You could come with me. It’s just a couple days. Maybe you meet DeNiro. BROOKE First of all, I doubt that. Second, are you thinkingyou could sell some of your paintings without me? ANSGAR Ofcourse I can. Beat. BROOKE Fine. Go ahead. ANSGAR I’d rather have you there to handle the -- you know-- details. I just want tomeet DeNiro. BROOKE I’mtoo busyhere. I can’t. ANSGAR Theyasked me to do some reality show. BROOKE What? Who? DeNiro’s company? ANSGAR No-- some other company. BROOKE Absolutelynot. No, no, no. ANSGAR Whynot? BROOKE You are dangerously close to becomingoverexposed. Do you want tobetaken seriously? ANSGAR I want tobe rich. 28. Beat. BROOKE You know what? You’reputtinga lot on myplate right before your show. ANSGAR You’re verybeautiful when you’re pissed off at me. BROOKE God damn it-- be professional. ANSGAR I hate LosAngeles. I need a break. (beat) Come with me. You love NewYork. You said you missed it. Beat. BROOKE I don’t know. ANSGAR I’mleavingtomorrow. BROOKE I can’t come tomorrow. ANSGAR Come later in the week. BROOKE You’re puttingme in a bad position. You should’ve asked me. ANSGAR For permission? BROOKE Don’t wehave a contract? ANSGAR Ahh yes. Back to your rules. 29. BROOKE Theyserve a purpose. ANSGAR What’sthat? BROOKE Protection. I need to protect myinterests. ANSGAR Good for you. You stayon the defensive. Beat. BROOKE I have to. ANSGAR Orwhat? What are you afraid of? BROOKE I’mnot afraid of anything-- ANSGAR Thendropyour rules and live a little. Ansgar movesin and kisses Brooke on the mouth. She doesn’texactly resist. BROOKE Ansgar-- I love myhusband. There’sa reason I met him longbefore I met you. A reason I married him. These things happen for a reason. ANSGAR Sometimesthings just happen. Lightsfade to black. 30. scene 3a [a bench in apark] A couple dayslater. A parklike area. Brooke sits upstagealone on a bench. She is pensive. Shelooks at herphone and then at her watch. Herphone rings. She answers quickly. BROOKE Finally. There you are. Eleanorappears downstage wheeling a clothing rackfull of clotheson stage with her. She’s on the phone with Brooke. ELEANOR I’vegot ameetingin a couple minutes. What’s wrong? BROOKE I’mthinkingabout comingtoNew York tomorrow. Just for theweekend. ELEANOR With Owen? BROOKE No. ELEANOR Alone? BROOKE Well, no-- I mean it’sfor work. ELEANOR I thought you were workingon the show. BROOKE I am. But somethingcame upwith Ansgar. ELEANOR Really? I can onlyimagine what’s come up. 31. BROOKE Don’t imagine. It’s abusiness weekend. ELEANOR God, I’d love to have you here. Will I see you? Or am I supposed to cover for you-- BROOKE Listen. I just have to get out of here for a couple days. ELEANOR With Ansgar? BROOKE It’snot what you think. ELEANOR Okay,fine-- I’m stayingout of it. I come home on Sunday. BROOKE That’s perfect. I’ll come back with you. Wait-- I have another call. Brooke switchesover to hernew call. BROOKE(CONT'D) Hello? Owen appears downstage. He talks on his cell phone. OWEN Hi, did you call me? BROOKE I did. OWEN I’mon in a couple minutes. What’s up? BROOKE It’sokay. We can talk later. OWEN Where are you? 32. BROOKE At-- at work. OWEN I tried to call you there and no one picked up. BROOKE Hey,I think I might gotoNew York withEleanor. Beat. OWEN I thought she was alreadythere for fashion week. BROOKE She is. I’m gonnameet her there. Beat. OWEN Why? BROOKE Well, it’s alongstorybut I actuallyhave a work situation that Ineed to deal with. OWEN What does that mean? BROOKE I got a call from a guywho works for Robert DeNiroand they’re veryinterested in Ansgar’s paintings and would like to meet him. OWEN Wow. That’s incredible. BROOKE Yeah-- I knowit’s short notice. OWEN What about-- you know wewere goingtoNew York when the show was over. You know that whole thingabout spendingsome down time together. Is that-- what? Not somethingyou want todo anymore? Because I thought it would belike a special thing-- 33. BROOKE I know-- I reallyneed you to understand mypredicament. I’d send Ansgar alone but left tohis own devicesit could get -- you know he’s not a good people person. If he wants tomake the sale, I should be there. And then, you know, I’ll make a bigchunk of money, too. OWEN Sohe’sgoingwithyou? BROOKE What? No. Hold on. Brooke clicks back over to Eleanor. BROOKE Hi. Listen, let me call you back. It’s Owen. ELEANOR Does he suspect anything? BROOKE There isnothingtosuspect. ELEANOR Are you sure? BROOKE Oh-- hold on. No, wait-- I’ll call you back. Brooke clicks back over to Owen. Lights dimon Eleanor. BROOKE Hi. Okay. I better wrapit uphere. OWEN Brooke. You never answered me. BROOKE What? OWEN Is Ansgar goingwithyou to New York? 34. BROOKE No, he’s there now. OWEN Is that whyyou want togo? BROOKE Owen, I have to go because he’sgoingtoscrew upthisdeal if I’m not there and if I want tomake some moneyit’s in mybest interest toshow up. OWEN And you just decided thistoday? BROOKE It just happened-- OWEN Great-- have a great time without me. Beat. Owen hangs up on her. BROOKE Owen-- Owen, wait-- Brooke hangs up. Lights dimon Owen. Brooke remains, still sitting on the bench. Lightsfade to black. 35. scene 4a [Brooke& Owen’s bedroom] Brooke ispacking a suitcase on her bed. Owen enters. OWEN Hey. BROOKE Hi. Are you talkingtome now? OWEN When do you leave? BROOKE Early-- tomorrow morning. I should leave here at about 4:30, I think. My plane leavesat six. OWEN I guess I’mhavinga hard time understandingwhyyou have to do this. BROOKE It’swork. OWEN Yeah-- I’m havinga hard time with that. BROOKE I got that. OWEN Whydo you have to go? BROOKE Because I just do. OWEN I don’t want you to go. BROOKE I know you don’t. 36. OWEN And you don’t care. BROOKE I do care, Owen. OWEN You know, this guy-- he’s an adult. He mayact like an infantile prick but he is an adult. BROOKE Okay. OWEN And he can take care of himself. BROOKE I agree. OWEN Sowhydo you need to go? BROOKE Because it’s mybusiness, Owen. OWEN I don’t trust him. This is his plan-- to get you alone-- BROOKE No, it’s not. OWEN I know how guys think. BROOKE How do theythink? OWEN Theythink about conquest. BROOKE Really? Is that how you think? 37. OWEN Not now-- maybe before you. BROOKE I’mnot stupid, Owen. I knowhow to manage Ansgar. OWEN What if he triestoforce himself-- BROOKE (laughs) If that happens, I’ll call the police. OWEN It’snot funny. I was lookingforward to goingtoNew York with you. That was our trip, remember? BROOKE Listen-- wecan go to Napa instead. I’ll take care of everything. (beat) Come here. Owen goesto Brooke. She embraces him. BROOKE You have to relaxabout this. OWEN I know what will relaxme-- Brooke and Owen begin kissing. BROOKE Did you happen to remember to pick upthe drycleaning? OWEN No-- I forgot. I’m sorry. BROOKE It’sfine. I just needed myblack jacket. 38. OWEN I hate it when you’re gone. BROOKE Owen. Brooke pulls away from him. OWEN It would kill me. If anythinghappened with that guy. BROOKE I’mnot even goingtodignifythat comment. Maybe I should be the one worryingabout you. OWEN Good-- turn it around. BROOKE I have an idea-- let’s spend the whole weekend worryingabout whether you or I will sleepwith someone else. Then we can both have a miserable weekend. OWEN Sounds good to me. BROOKE See-- we’re a healthycouple. Owen movesto take off Brooke’s pants. OWEN Thisishealthy. BROOKE Owen. OWEN I love you. BROOKE Owen-- 39. OWEN What? BROOKE I -- I just need to finish packing. OWEN (turningoff) That’s it. That’s it,Brooke. BROOKE What? OWEN You have a great time in NewYork. Have a great, romantic little getawaywithyour artist. I’m done. BROOKE Owen. OWEN I’mdone. Owen grabs a pillow off the bed. BROOKE Where are you going? OWEN I’ll sleepon the couch. BROOKE Owen. Owen exits. Lights fade to black. 40. scene 5a [Charlotte’s restaurant--thebar] Friday night. Owen and Adamsit togetherat a table. Both drinkbeers. ADAM Sohow did you leave it? OWEN She knewI was angry. ADAM Well, all that talk the other night. You know, about goingtoNew York after the opening-- OWEN Exactly. ADAM Did you tell her you didn’t want her to go? OWEN It doesn’t matter. ADAM Maybe she wouldn’t have gone. OWEN Brooke does what she wants. ADAM Do feel uneasy? OWEN I don’t know. I don’t know. ADAM It sounds like you do. 41. OWEN I’vealways trusted her. I joke-- but no-- I’ve never thought she’d reallygive in to that-- you know if she was tempted. ADAM I don’t think you need to worry. OWEN She’ll be in New York for a couple days-- it’s no big deal. ADAM You’re right. You’re overreacting. OWEN I can’t helpit. I can’t stand that guy. Charlotte enters and comes overwith some calamari. ADAM Look at that. CHARLOTTE For my favorite newcustomers. OWEN You keepthis upand you’ll have to get used to us. CHARLOTTE You enjoy. OWEN Thanks. CHARLOTTE Where are the ladiestonight? ADAM New York. CHARLOTTE Oh yeah? And they left you two handsome guys on your own? 42. ADAM Finally. CHARLOTTE Are theyoff on business or pleasure? ADAM Business. OWEN And somepleasure, too, I’msure. CHARLOTTE Well, nothingsaysyou boys can’t have some fun, too. ADAM You hear that? CHARLOTTE Let me knowif you need anythingelse. Charlotte exits. OWEN I’mnot even hungry. I’m so pissed off. ADAM I have to go in a few. OWEN Oh yeah? ADAM I’vegot adinner meetingwitha client. OWEN A female client? ADAM As amatter of fact, yes. 43. OWEN A distraught female client? A pretty young woman, AMY, in herearly twenties, enters and sits down close to Owen and Adam. She isdressed tastefully but provocative enough to catch the attention of Owen and Adamwho give her a glance. ADAM Not too distraught. OWEN Too bad for you. ADAM I have to be careful with thisone. She’sdivorcingoneof the richest men in L.A. A developer. OWEN Don’t forget you’re givingme a ride home. ADAM Another beer? OWEN No-- I’mgood. Amy and Adam make eye contact. ADAM Hithere. AMY Hi. OWEN Hi. AMY Oh myGod-- are you Owen Shore? 44. OWEN Yes, I am. AMY From channel 9 news? OWEN Yes, hi. AMY Oh wow. I watch you all the time. OWEN Really? Thanks. AMY My girlfriend’s goingtodie when she gets here. OWEN I hope not. AMY You don’t understand. We were just sayinghow funnyyour storiesare. OWEN Oh yeah? AMY You come upwiththe greatest things. OWEN I have a lot of help. AMY I mean you’ve got that self-deprecatingthingthat makesyou so-- oh my God. You know what’s thebest-- when you sit in for that sports guy. I love it-- you did that boxing story. It was like thesensitive man’stake on boxing-- it was so sweet. OWEN Thanks. 45. AMY You’re verytalented. (glancingat Adam) Are you guys together? ADAM You mean together? OWEN I’m not gay. He is. ADAM Very funny. What’s your name? AMY Amy. ADAM Hi, Amy. It’s nicetomeet you. I’m Adam. And you know Owen. Amy looks at her watch. AMY It is so nicetomeet you. OWEN Nice to meet you. AMY I hope you’re not leaving. My girlfriend hastomeet you. Adamglances at Owen. OWEN Adam? ADAM We have to get going. AMY (to Owen) Do you have to go do the news? 46. OWEN No-- I’moff tonight. But I need to get home. AMY (disappointed) Oh-- can I have your autograph before you get going? OWEN Sure. Amy moves closerto Owen. She slideshima napkin. He signs it. OWEN To... AMY Amy’s fine. OWEN ToAmy. Hegivesit to her. AMY You have a cool signature. ADAM Oh boy. OWEN What perfume isthat? AMY Paris. YSL. OWEN I know it well. AMY Yeah? Isthat what your girlfriend wears? 47. OWEN A longtime ago. I love it. AMY You love myperfume? That isamazing. ADAM Okay-- I gottago. Owen? OWEN Yeah-- I’m coming. AMY You know what? You can’t leave. I’ve got tobuyyou a drink. To thank you for the autograph. Please? Owen glances at Adamwho isputting on hiscoat. ADAM You stay. I gottago. OWEN We came together, remember? ADAM Take a cab. OWEN I better not. It’s been a longday. AMY Shoot. I wish you didn’t have to go. You know, when myfriend comes, it’ll be two you youand two of us. ADAM Okay-- AMY Wait-- no. I don’t mean it like that. I just thought the four of us could hangout. ADAM Do you mind if I ask howold you are? 48. AMY How old are you? ADAM Okay-- you kids have fun. Adamstarts to go. OWEN Wait a minute. AMY Please stay for alittle bit. Please? OWEN (to Adam) I’ll take a cab. Adamexits. AMY Can I get you amartini? Theyhave the best apple martinisever. OWEN Ahh-- what the hell. Then I should head home. AMY Towho? Beat. OWEN No one, as a matter of fact. AMY You shouldn’t have to go home to no one. OWEN That’s what I’mthinking. A couple beats. Amy considers her next move. She gets up. 49. OWEN(CONT'D) Where are you going? AMY I have to usethe ladies room. I-- I’ll be back. OWEN I’ll be here. Amy exits. Owen finishes hisbeer. He checks his phone for calls. Charlotte enters. Owen is suddenly uncomfortable having Amy come backto the table. CHARLOTTE How’s everything? OWEN Fine thanks. CHARLOTTE Where’d your friend go? OWEN Hehad a meeting. CHARLOTTE Not that friend. The other one. OWEN Oh-- she’s not myfriend. I just met her. She’sa -- she’slike a fan. She wantedan autograph. CHARLOTTE No need to explain it tome. You haven’t touched the calamari. OWEN I have and it’s delicious. Thank you. CHARLOTTE You want me to heat it up? 50. OWEN No, it’s fine. I actuallyshould get the check and get going. CHARLOTTE No problem, honey. I’ll go get it for you. You relax. Charlotte gives hima quickshouldersqueeze. Lights fade to black. 51. scene 6a [Owen & Brooke’s livingroom] Later-- in the early morning hours following Fridaynight. The stage isdark. Aliving room can be made out vaguely. SOUNDS OFSEX can be heard. A shirt flies from behind the couch, etc... Bodies are seen in shadow. Itshould be difficult to discern who is having sex until voicesareheard. The phone rings three times. No one notices. The phone rings again. AMY Do you need to get that? OWEN God no. AMY Don’t stop. The sex continues... Sounds ofa cell phone can now be heard. AMY(CONT’D) What’sthat? Isthat your cell? OWEN Don’t worryabout it. I’mgonna-- AMY Oh yeah-- keepgoing- OWEN Oh God. Oh myGod. AMY Come on-- OWEN Oh God. 52. AMY Oh yes. OWEN Oh yeah-- that’s-- that’s--I’m-- I’m-- Owen finishes up and then rolls off Amy. Thecell phone begins to ring again. OWEN(CONT'D) Shit. Owen wrapped in a blanket,fumbles for his pants. He puts them on. He turns on the lights. He checks his cell phone and then throws it hard at the couch. OWEN(CONT’D) Fuck. AMY Wasthat-- OWEN Yeah. AMY Will she be suspiciousifyou don’t answer thephone? OWEN It depends-- what time is it? AMY I don’t know. How longdid we sleepbefore round three? OWEN I have no idea. Amy takes hiscell phone and looks atthe time. AMY It’s5:24. 53. OWEN Is it five in the morningalready? AMY Yeah-- is that aproblem? OWEN Yeah-- no-- that wasincredible. You were-- you weregreat. AMY Thanks. Do you do thismuch? OWEN Never. AMY You’ve never cheatedon her? OWEN No. AMY I’msurprised bythat. OWEN Why? AMY Because you’re Owen Shore. You must have all kindsof women comingon to you. OWEN I don’t know about that. AMY Sowhyme? Beat. OWEN You know what? We need to wrap it up here. 54. AMY You want me to go? OWEN I think it’s better. AMY Oh. Amy starts to lookaround for her clothes. OWEN I mean-- don’t take it the wrongway. I just feel-- feellike I should go back to bed. I’m -- I’mfeeling-- you know-- hungover. AMY Okay fine. OWEN I have never done this before so I don’t know how to-- how to-- AMY Get rid of me? OWEN No-- just, you know-- wrapit up. AMY I guess you just did. OWEN I just-- I’mnot feelinggreat about what wejust did. AMY Oh, I get it. It just takesfuckingthree timesbefore the guilt sets in. You didn’t really seem too concerned when you asked me to drive you homelast night. OWEN You need to go. AMY I’msorry. I don’t usuallydo this. I swear. 55. OWEN Sowhydid you? AMY I -- I don’t know. I just liked talkingtoyou. OWEN You knew I was married. AMY Are you blamingme for what happened here? Beat. OWEN I drank too much. AMY Blame it on that before you blame it on me. OWEN Do you have your things? AMY I have them. OWEN The door is that way. Beat. AMY It’snot a verynice send off. OWEN Look-- I made a mistake. I made a huge mistake. AMY I made one, too. I feel reallybad about what happened. OWEN Let’s just say we’ll forget it happened. 56. AMY I don’t want toforget. Beat. OWEN You won’t goblabbingtoanyone, will you? AMY I can keepa secret -- when I want to. OWEN You better want to. AMY Orwhat? OWEN What the fuckdoes that mean-- when you want to? AMY I don’t reallylike beingpushed out the door after beingused. Beat. OWEN I’msorry. I’m reallysorry. It’s not you. It’s me. You are incredible. I just feel like shit. That’sall. And if Brookeever found out, it would kill me. AMY I hear you. OWEN Listen-- you are one sexy woman. You are. In a perfect world thiswouldn’t be an issue but -- I’mmarried. AMY I understand. OWEN I need to be able to trust you. 57. AMY I get it. Beat. AMY (CONT'D) Well. It was nice meetingyou. Amy holds out her hand to shake Owen’s. Owen takes herhand and pulls her in, hugging her. OWEN Thank you. Owen’s cell phone beginsto ring again as the lights fade to black. 58. scene 7a [Brooke’s gallery] Monday morning. Brooke ishanging art and arranging frames for her upcoming show. Ansgar is with her. The framed Vermeerprint leansagainst a wall. BROOKE Are you insane? ANSGAR Probably. BROOKE I’vesent out the invitations. We’ve done thepublicity. I’m not changingthe date. ANSGAR But I want tofinish the two- BROOKE Too bad. We don’t need them. ANSGAR Who iswe? I need them. You don’t need them-- good for you. I need them. BROOKE You just made over $200,000 in NewYork. Do you reallyneed them in this show? ANSGAR No-- I made $100,000 and you made $100,000 and for doingwhat? For holdingmyhand at a meeting. I can get a meetingand handle it myself. I give you this-- all this becauseI -- because of who you are to me. Not because Ineed you. I want toput two more in. BROOKE The show opensFridaynight. That’s 4 days. You’re rushingand theywon’t be good. I won’t do it. ANSGAR Just think about it. BROOKE I’vethought about it, Ansgar. 59. ANSGAR Please. We sold the four in New York, I’d like to add two here. We’re four short now. BROOKE If everythinggoesasplanned, I will give you another show in thespring. Alright? ANSGAR I will dumpyou bythe fall. I’ll find a better gallery. BROOKE Good luck withthat. ANSGAR I’ll find a better muse. BROOKE Please don’t call me that. ANSGAR You’re mymuse andmypimp. BROOKE Thanks. That’s sweet. ANSGAR Didn’t wehave a good time in NewYork? BROOKE It was great. ANSGAR I spare no expense for you. BROOKE I appreciate all that you’ve done-- ANSGAR And myfeelings-- what we share is completelybetween us. Beat. 60. BROOKE Completely. ANSGAR You take good care of me. You make me feel watched over. I like that you do that for me. Ansgar takesherhand and kisses it tenderly. BROOKE For God’s sake. ANSGAR Please let me put twoin. Please. Beat. BROOKE Listen. If you can finish even one of the paintings you’re workingon now, I’ll add it in. But I do have other artists that evening. ANSGAR The others are hacks. BROOKE Thenthey’ll make you look good. ANSGAR I cannot stop myself from hatingyou. BROOKE I hate you too. Lightsfade to black. 61. scene 8a [Brooke’s art gallery] Friday night. Brooke’s art gallery-- the evening of the big reception for Ansgar and a few other artists. It is late -- about 11 p.m. Things arewinding down. Owen, Adam, and Eleanorstand together in the gallery. ADAM I think it was afantastic reception. ELEANOR Her best oneyet. ADAM I loved those Italian springrollswiththe basil and the proscuitto-- ELEANOR I think you ate an entire tray. ADAM Where’sBrooke? Let’sthank her. OWEN I haven’t seenher for over an hour. ELEANOR She wastalkingtosomeone outside when I saw her. OWEN She hasa single track mind at these things. ELEANOR It’sher business. And what can you do-- she’s good. ADAM And the art’s okay, too. ELEANOR We should get going, Adam. 62. ADAM What time is it? ELEANOR It’salmost 11. OWEN Before you go-- I need to ask you-- when you werein NewYork with Brooke-- ELEANOR What about it? OWEN ThisAnsgar-- ELEANOR Owen-- don’t even go there. OWEN If she was with that guy,I have a right toknow. ADAM Come on, Owen. You don’t think she reallydid anything-- do you? Beat. Eleanorchanges the subject. ELEANOR Honey, we’ll have to pick upour paintingtomorrow morning. OWEN Which one did you end upbuying? ADAM Oneof the enemy’s. OWEN Great. ADAM I have to invest in the hot newthing. 63. ELEANOR I think he’s brilliant. OWEN That good? ELEANOR His paintings are sensual and immediate. ADAM I like the colors. ELEANOR You have to get beyond the personality. It’snot the personality hangingon your wall. ADAM She’s got a point. Spotting Ansgar and Brooke asthey enter. ELEANOR There theyare. (clappingfor them) Bravo, bravo. Ansgar and Brooke are talking intimately about something. They hang back, perhaps on another platform on the stage if the stage istiered. ADAM El, they’re talking. How much wine have you had? ELEANOR Oh please, Adam. Excuseme, I want totalk to the artiste. Eleanorgoes overto Ansgar and Brooke. ELEANOR (CONT'D) It’sall beautiful! ANSGAR Thank you so much. It meansso much to me. 64. While they talk, Amy enters wearing a white dress. She looks at theart. She has her backto the group. They don’t notice her. ELEANOR Thank youso much. I can’t wait totake mine home with me. Your beautiful work will grace mywallsand everytime I walk byI will think of you and your great talent. ANSGAR I’mflattered. Adamand Owen begin to walkover. ADAM What did she just say tohim? ANSGAR (to Eleanor) Can I get you anything? More wine? ADAM No, we’re fine here, thank you. OWEN She hasyou servingthe guests,too? ANSGAR No, no. I do it for myfavorite customers. OWEN Sowhat was with all the whispering? ANSGAR Some things are private. Owen tries to hold in hiscontempt. OWEN Is that so? BROOKE Owen-- we had a business issue we needed to finesse. 65. ANSGAR Yes-- two partieswanted the same painting. OWEN Did you work it out? ANSGAR Your wife isthe expert at workingthese things out. If you’ll excuse me. Ansgar exits. As he passes, Amy turns around. He stops when he sees her. ANSGAR Hello. AMY Hithere. Ansgar exits. ELEANOR I was thinkingwe’d pick upour paintingtomorrow morning. BROOKE That’s fine with me. ELEANOR Can I leave it in your office? BROOKE Ofcourse. ELEANOR Will you helpme get it? BROOKE Yeah-- come on. Brooke and Eleanor exit, but not without Brooke noticing Amy. At the sametime, Owen who stands with Adam, also notices Amy. 66. OWEN (realizing) Oh myGod. ADAM What is it? OWEN That woman over there. ADAM Who isshe? OWEN No one. ADAM Whydoes she look familiar? OWEN Fuck! ADAM Hey,isn’t she from Charlotte’s! Hey you-- OWEN Shh-- don’t make a scene. ADAM What do you mean? OWEN I don’t want tosee that woman. ADAM Why? Ansgar reenters with two glasses of wine. He givesone to Amy. OWEN What the fuckis she doinghere? 67. ADAM She likesart? OWEN Bullshit. ADAM What do you mean? What the hell iswrongwith you? OWEN She’s lookingfor me. ADAM What for? Beat. ADAM You didn’t let anythinghappen with that girl, did you? Beat. An understanding-- ADAM Well, consideringshe’s standingright here-- I’d sayyou’re fucked. Brooke re-enters with Eleanor. She pauses for a moment when she sees Amy. They move to Adam and Owen. BROOKE I’malmost readytofinish up. Brooke noticesOwen in hisdiscomfort. Owen-- are you alright? OWEN What? BROOKE You look pale. 68. OWEN I do? BROOKE A little bit. OWEN It’sbeen a longnight. I’m beat. ELEANOR And what’s wrongwith you? ADAM Nothing. Nothingiswrongwith me. OWEN I’mfine. ADAM Soam I. We both are fine. Crazy women. Brooke noticesOwen looking in the direction of Amy. BROOKE Who isthat? Do you know that woman? Beat. OWEN What? BROOKE Do you know her? Beat. OWEN No. I thought she looked familiar. Brooke looks at Adam. BROOKE Maybe you’ve met her. 69. OWEN No, I don’t think so. ADAM Hemeets alot of people. OWEN We have newinterns at the station. Maybe that’s who I’m thinkingof. ADAM She lookslike shewould be an intern. BROOKE Whydon’t you go over there and ask her if that’s how you know her. OWEN No-- I said I don’t know her. BROOKE You said you might know her. OWEN I don’t know her. I’venever seen her before. Beat. Ansgar movesoverto them taking Amy by the hand and bringing her over. ANSGAR Brooke, thislovelyladywas just sayinghow much shelikesmynewpainting. The one I threw together this week. BROOKE I’mso glad someone does. Would you like to buyit? AMY If only-- BROOKE Well, it’s nice to have admirers, anyway. 70. AMY You must beBrooke. BROOKE Yes, nice to meet you. Brooke shakesAmy’s hand. BROOKE (CONT'D) And thisismyhusband, Owen. Amy reaches out herhand. AMY We have definitelymet. Beat. Owen isunsure how to answer. OWEN No, I don’t think so. Beat. AMY Sorry. You look familiar. OWEN I do? AMY I was at Charlotte’son Santa Monica-- it was Friday night-- ADAM Were we there that night? AMY I thought so. OWEN Wasthat the night wewere there? I don’t remember. ANSGAR Maybe you’ve seen him on television. He does those sillystoriesfor channel 5. 71. OWEN Channel 9. ANSGAR Like the one about little doggieshavingsex in the chapel. BROOKE It wasn’t inthe chapel. But-- OWEN I’veeven been known to do stories about sillyartists. ANSGAR I must not be sillybecause I don’t recall you doinga storyon me. OWEN That would be a conflict of interest. Beat. Uncomfortable tension. ADAM Well, I think it’s time for us to head out. ELEANOR Right now? ADAM You’re the one who said we should get going, remember? ELEANOR Yes, it’s late. ADAM And I’mtired. Adambegins to pull Eleanorout with him. ELEANOR You’re gettingold, Adam. ADAM Don’t remind me. 72. ELEANOR You need to give Brooke a check. BROOKE You don’t have to do it now. ELEANOR We’ll leave it in your office. Eleanorand Adam exit. BROOKE We’re closingupin a fewminutes. AMY Are you? Oh-- I was working. I came over assoon as I could. BROOKE I’mglad you could make it. AMY (to Ansgar) I’veread about you in People. I thought it would be amazingtosee your work in person. ANSGAR You hear that-- she reads. BROOKE Excellent. AMY And I would like to start collecting. BROOKE Really? AMY I’d lovesome pointers. OWEN Excuse me. I’m goingtoget going, Brooke. 73. BROOKE You’re leaving? OWEN Yeah-- I’m tired and I need some air. Owen walks out. ANSGAR (to Amy) Come with me. I’ll give you aquick tour before Brooke locks us out. BROOKE Make it fast. Amy nervously glancestoward Owen as he exits. AMY Actually-- I should get goingmyself. ANSGAR Ridiculous. You just got here. AMY (to Brooke) But you want to close up. I can come back another time. ANSGAR Don’t worryabout her. I’ll give you the abbreviatedtour of mywork and then we’ll get a drink. AMY Oh-- okay. Amy begins to exit. Ansgar follows but is stopped by Brooke. BROOKE Keepin mind it would be wise to sayyour good byestoyour payingcustomers. 74. ANSGAR The wonderful thingabout you, Brooke, is that you’re always thinkingof the bottom line which affords me the luxuryof thinkingof nothingbut fucking. BROOKE Just be careful. ANSGAR Whyshould I? (beat) I think you’readorable when you’re jealous. Ansgar exits. Brooke standsalone on stage. Lightsfade to black. 75. scene 9a [Brooke& Owen’s livingroom] Later. In the early morning hours, after the evening of the show. Owen sleepson the couch. He looks disheveled, in a bathrobe. There is a loud knockon the door which wakes him. He goes to the door. OWEN (half asleep) Who isit? AMY (off stage) Can I come in? OWEN Who isit? AMY (off) Amy. Beat. AMY (CONT'D) (off) I have to tell you something. I’ll make it fast. Owen opens the door. Amy looks fatigued, like she’s had a rough night. OWEN What do you want? AMY Can I come in? 76. OWEN No. Just talk. AMY Can I please come in? Owen retreatsand Amy followshimin. OWEN What time is it? AMY It’sfive. Did I wake you? OWEN Yes-- as a matter of fact-- you did. AMY I couldn’t sleep. OWEN What do you want from me, Amy? AMY Nothing. OWEN I don’t believe you. You’retryingto fuckme over-- AMY I’mnot. I swear. OWEN Whyare you here? Whydo you keepshowingup? Thisisn’t goinganywhere. AMY I know-- OWEN What the hell were you doingat the reception? 77. AMY That’s what Icame to talk to you about-- OWEN Talk to me? Or talk to mywife-- AMY Is shehere? OWEN No, as a matter of fact, she’s not here. Thanks to you. AMY I never talked to her, Owen. OWEN What? AMY It’snot whyI went there, I promise you. OWEN You didn’t tell her anything? AMY No. OWEN Bullshit! She told me she talked to you. AMY About us? OWEN Yes. AMY She lied. OWEN She said she talked to you. Shegot it out of me. 78. AMY Got what out of you? OWEN The whole thing-- she got the whole thingout of me. AMY Oh God, that’s awful. OWEN Fuckyou-- it’s your fault. AMY I admit I wantedtosee you last night because-- damn it, I had to tell you something-- before you opened your bigmouth! I couldn’t get amoment alone with you. OWEN You put me in a veryprecariousposition. AMY I realize that-- OWEN No you don’t! My marriage isover. AMY Maybe it’snot-- OWEN I don’t know whyI’mhavingthis conversation with you. I’ll give you whatever you want-- you want somemoney? AMY No. OWEN I should’ve never let you come here. AMY It was amistake. I agree. 79. OWEN Amy-- you seem like a nice girl-- and that was-- that was great sex-- but I don’t want to continue seeingyou. Brooke and I have too much historyand you-- you’re young-- AMY It’s fine. OWEN Okay. Thank you. AMY But you don’t know everything. OWEN I don’t want toknow anythingelse. I don’t want torehash anything-- I just want it-- I want you to go away. AMY But you should know the truth. OWEN About what? AMY I just-- I fuckedupand you should know. OWEN We both fuckedup. I get it. Enough withthe guilt-- it’s not your marriage fallingapart. AMY I didn’t just meet Brookelast night. OWEN What? AMY I met your wife a couple weeks ago. OWEN I don’t get it. 80. AMY We had a special arrangement. OWEN What are you talkingabout? AMY She hired me. Black out. End of Act One.